Dallas Waco

A Father and Son Were Arguing, And I Interrupted...

Some people overhear an argument and mind their own business, other people over hear an argument and interrupt. Guess which one I am?

Sorry, but I had to. 

This father and son were behind me in line when I overheard the father say, "You can't keep treating your mother like that. She only asked you for a hug and kiss and you blew her off and said 'whatever,' she even said, but I'm not going to see you for a couple of weeks. What's wrong with you?"

The son responded, "Dad, you don't get it. She's always bossing me around and thinks she knows everything..." that's when the father cut him off and said, "Well? She knows more than you!" The son replied... "whatever!"

That's when I interrupted. "I'm sorry, I overheard your conversation and it reminds me of a boy I know who treated his mom the same way, only to realize once he grew up that his mother loved him with all of her heart, sacrificed to make his life better, and now she's gone and he misses her dearly."

The boy's facial expression changed for a second. He looked at his father and then at me and asked, "I guess you're that boy?"

"Yes!" I said, "And I would do anything just to hug her and thank her so much for her love."

The boy, looked to the ground, shrugged his shoulders, looked up at me, rolled his eyes and said... "Whatever!"

Listen to In Interrupted a Conversation and This Happened

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