Dallas Waco

About Donations to KCBI

What does listener supported mean?

We are a non-commercial station so we rely on listeners like yourself to keep KCBI going strong and providing hope, right here, in North Texas.

What does my support do?

Keeps KCBI on-air every day reaching hundreds of thousands, giving hope to the broken-hearted, help for the addicted, relief from struggling and rescue from violence through the work of God! Click here to learn about the station initiatives your gift will help fund this year.

How do I donate to KCBI?

If you're feeling led to support our ministry and be a part of the difference KCBI makes in North Texas and beyond, you can make your donation by clicking on this link.

What's a monthly gift?

This is an automatic, monthly payment from your credit/debit card or bank account. Monthly donors get special benefits such as access to special events, firsthand information about events, etc. Your monthly gift helps us plan our budget to help reach more people in North Texas.

Are my donations tax deductible?

Absolutely! KCBI is governed by First Dallas Media, Inc., a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit ministry.

I have other questions'.

If you have any questions about your gift, need to cancel your monthly gift,??or need to make any changes to your account, please call us at 469-801-7000.

Would You Consider Partnering With KCBI?

Your gift today will give hope to thousands in North Texas while supporting this goal!

Click Here to Give Now