Dallas Waco

About KCBI

What We Believe

KCBI is operated by First Dallas Media, Inc. As a Christian ministry, FDMI proclaims biblical truth found in the Word of God. We seek to be Christ-like in all our views and actions. As a 501(c)3 non-profit, we're allowed to offer supporters the benefits of tax-deductible giving. As listener-supported Christian radio station, we're able to offer music and teaching that encourages listeners and impact more lives for Christ.


We Believe KCBI Is A Movement Of God To Communicate The Good News Of Jesus' Love & Transforming Power.

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Our Mission

KCBI exists to be a discipleship force for Jesus Christ in North Texas:

To be a Great Commission mission, we are called to grow our impact in Dallas-Fort Worth making disciples as called by Christ. Therefore, we seek to offer encouraging music and words of hope from the Bible.

Click here to read our Statement of Faith.
Mission Arlington 1200x675
(What We Care Most About)
God's Word is our guide as we communicate its truth in everything we do and say.
(Where We Work)
We serve the people of North Texas through gospel-centered community assistance, outreach and conversation.
(The Way We Communicate)
We express our personal faith and failures in heartfelt, connective and transparent ways.
(How We Do Our Work)
We are purposeful in every decision and action, with a commitment to excellence and results.

How We Operate

KCBI seeks to minister to everyone in Dallas-Fort Worth, regardless of denomination or church affiliation. We operate this radio station through the faithful support of our listeners, business underwriters and ministry partners. If you are part of that faithful group, we say 'Thank you!

Click Here to Support KCBI