If you're dealing with a tough health diagnoses you may think, "I'm a private person. I'm not going to tell anyone about this. I'm going to go it alone!"
I get that. That's what I thought when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, but I am so glad that I shared it instead because every single time I could feel darkness trying to fall upon me, someone would call, text, message, drop off some food or even flowers. Every. Single. Time.
That would have never happened had I not shared it on KCBI and social media.
I mean some of those Facebook prayers and comments really blew me away, by 1. people I didn't even know loved Jesus, and 2. some folks I didn't think liked me!
But that's what God can do if you let Him. Use His people to be the light you need.
So my advice, share your journey with others and allow them to pour into you.
You don't have to be alone.