Dallas Waco

What True Victory In Christ Looks Like

Currently, I am reading through the book of Philippians and if you didn't know, this book of the Bible has always been known as Paul's joy letter. This is because many scholars have said that the theme of Philippians is joy. However, while it's definitely woven throughout the entire book, I am also going to say that a huge theme in this book is overcoming. This is a book of what the ideal Christian life looks like.

I know that this is something that's perhaps on your heart right now as we think and dream about having victory over the things that are going on in our lives right now. Maybe it's victory in your finances or relationships or maybe it's finding that new job. I don't know what battle you're fighting, but I want to tell you that the Apostle Paul says that victory is ours, but it is not found in overcoming our circumstances. It's not found in the changing of circumstances, but rather it's when we're changed by our circumstances.

Paul is so Christ-centered that for him, to live was to serve Christ. There is nothing that we can't have victory over because the book tells us to have the mind of Christ. We read the scriptures to recognize the voice of Christ and we memorize scriptures to think the thoughts of Christ. We obey the scriptures to be the hands and feet of Christ. So with all that being said, to become the very image of Christ has encouraged me greatly today and I hope that's true for you as well.

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