Upset Girl Finds Peace With A Snack And... Fraggle Rock?

We all have those moments when we're upset and frustrated without knowing why. I experience this often, and I bet others do too.

There was a dad and his four-year-old daughter. She was crying, and he kept asking, "What's wrong?" Finally, she admitted she needed cheering up with food and music. When he asked what kind of music, she said, "Fraggle Rock."

Her dad promised to play the music and make her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "I'll do whatever I can to make you happy," he said. It was such a cute moment, and it seemed like his plan would work.

This story made me realize that sometimes, the simplest things like good music and a tasty snack can make everything better. 

Listen to Upset Girl Finds Peace With A Snack And... Fraggle Rock?

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