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Two Girl Scout Cookie Flavors Are Being Discontinued.

I saw a report yesterday that said that the Girl Scouts were discontinuing two of their cookie flavors for 2025 and I thought, "Not the Thin Mints!!"

Well, no. But... the two soon-to-be departed cookie flavors leaving the lineup may not even be ones you've heard of.

"At the close of the 2025 cookie season, two beloved cookie flavors, Girl Scout S'mores and Toast-Yay!, will be retired," Girl Scouts of the USA announced in a January 7 press release.

Girl Scout S'mores, based on the classic campfire snack, were first introduced in the 2017 season. Toast-Yays, inspired by French toast flavors and stamped with the Scout trefoil, popped into existence in 2021.

If you remember, in 2023 the Girl Scouts retired the Raspberry Rally cookie and the internet went cRaZy buying them all up with some trying to resell them for $200 A BOX!

By-the-way, the most popular cookie flavors, according to the national organization, include Samoas (also known as Caramel deLites), Peanut Butter Patties (also known as Tagalongs) and the aforementioned Thin Mints.

Listen to They're Discontinuing Two Girl Scout Cookies.

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