Dallas Waco

Trusting God Even When He Says "No"

During difficult seasons in our lives, it can appear as though God isn't listening to our prayers. Maybe it's because our prayers aren't in line with His will, or maybe we just can't accept that He's saying no to us.

Sometimes 'no' is the best gift God could give us. His no leads to a greater yes when that yes is knowing Him more deeply and fully. We live in a fallen world full of no's and disappointments, but we have a risen Savior in whom all the promises of God find their 'yes' in him (2 Corinthians 1:20). Suffering in this world is inevitable, especially for the Christian (John 16:33).

We can respond to suffering and the no's of life with trusting and hopeful hearts this side of the cross, because in Christ we can believe that God's no is going to be a redeemed yes to something else someday.

So trust God with His answers to your prayers and pray continually'even when God has said no in the past. We can always know that his priority is always His glory and our good. When we live in light of this, we can trust Him, even when He says no.

'Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me'nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.' - Luke 22:42

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