Through the miracle of modern technology, I have been able to transcribe my latest mess prayer directed right at God, and have it here for you to read.
I often wonder why God doesn't just tell me to get lost. But, He never does.
Here's how the story goes, typically. (Forgive the errors in this rush transcript. I often have errors in my prayers)
Doug: God, give me favor. Make everything OK around me. Around us. This is all a mess and I don't really get it.
Jesus: 'In this world you will have tribulation'
Me: Yeah, yeah, I've read that. I 'get it'. But, if you would just TAKE AWAY THIS OBSTACLE I would be really a lot more effective for you, and I could REALLY pursue the calling YOU gave me and'.
Jesus: "In the world you will have tribulation (which actually means "crushing pressure')'. But'.
Me: I'm not sure this is transmitting. Can't you hear what I'm asking?
Jesus: But'. take heart, I have overcome the world.
John 16:33 (Jesus)