Dallas Waco

The Most Comforting Thing In Times Of Trouble

In times where everything seems to be just kind of spinning out of control, there is one thing we have to cling to. It's the absolute complete and utter sovereignty of God.

Recently, we had a listener submit a prayer request to the station and she is just going through the ringer right now. Her kids are making poor decisions and her marriage feels like it's on the rocks. She says that she's just feeling lower and lower and lower and lower. You know something? I think a lot of us are in the same boat she is in and the boat seems to get more crowded by the day.

When I go through things like this, I just have to remember that not only can we cling to the fact that God is completely, totally, and utterly sovereign, and that nothing happens without His knowledge. But we can also cling to the very fact that we're going through what we're going through is proof that God's Word is true. It's proof! What did Jesus say in John 16:33? He said:

'I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.' - John 16:33

I wish he said you might, but He didn't. He said "you will". But then He said, "take heart because I have overcome the world". What that means is that we can look around us and we can praise God because He said this would happen. That means we can cling to every single promise in Scripture, which includes: He has overcome the world.

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