Dallas Waco

The Bible Is A Gift I Take For Granted Too Often

Happy Monday! I don't know what you did this weekend, but I did a lot of thinking about the incredible gift of the Bible and how easy it can be for me to take it for granted.

The Bible is the user's manual for life: telling us about our Maker, our purpose, and how to fix what is broken. It contains words of healing, guidance, wisdom, encouragement, and edification. It's profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction for righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16).

It is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. It is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).

And yet, despite all of that, reading it is so easily replaced with the countless items on my to do list. Even when I could just open an app on my phone to find His Word, I still forget it more often than I like to admit.

Every day, life seems to come up with new ways to distract us and cause us to forget the importance of spending time meditating on God's promises. Yet, whenever I do remember and commit even as little as five minutes to studying Scripture, God's presence and Spirit is right there, welcoming me with new insight, encouragement, and peace.

Today, I invite you to join me in not only reading, but studying and memorizing God's Word. I can't wait to hear about what God shows you as you do!


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