Dallas Waco

She's Been Told 'NO' 300 Times, Yet She Waits On God!

If you're in a season of waiting right now, I hope this listeners note can encourage you.

She said that she's also finding encouragement through KCBI in her job drought:

God took me out of a job almost one year ago the 14th of this month, that I have no doubt he gave me for 22 years (a wonderful story I will spare you).

I have filled out over 300 applications, been invited only to a handful of interviews with "We are going with another candidate." Thought I had the perfect WFH job being blessed with, then that also fell through recently. God still saying not yet. I am also waiting to see if I get approved for SS disability. I have many health issues and disabilities.

Everyday by these type of emails or words that fill my feed on Facebook, or books and devotionals I read, have reminded me "be patient, In MY timing, He is faithful, He is with you, He will make a way, He's got you, Be patient, be still, have faith, etc" literally EVERYDAY reminders. Waiting is hard but without God it would be so much harder. God is faithful and has been so good to me my entire life (63 yrs), I know He has this time too.

Thank you for your encouraging words today and know these mean alot to your listeners.

Lord in Your Mercy, hear the prayers of Your daughter for employment, health, and peace. In Jesus name. Amen!

Listen to After 300 No's She's Still Praising God!

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