Rejoicing In The Midst Of Pain

As we assess the damage in the wake of Hurricane Ian that passed through Florida, we're finding historic level damage. Of course, our hearts and support go to them and all of the first responders who are still trying to help people get to safety. If you'd like to find out how you can help, we at KCBI have compiled some resources for you to give you some ideas on how you can contribute to the effort. Click here to learn more.

Naturally, it can be easy to look at these situations and be filled with great worry and anxiety but whether it's a hurricane there or something else in your life that feels burdensome, just know you can have peace. Jesus reminds us in John 16:33:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - John 16:33

Rather than reacting in panic or doubt, followers of Christ should feel a sense of peace. This confidence is inspired by knowledge that nothing they experience catches God by surprise. The expression "take heart" implies courage: knowing Christ's victory overshadows all those troubles.

If you’re facing trials right now, you can have joy while your tears flow. You can rejoice in the midst of pain. You can be courageous even when your strength fails. Because your Savior, Jesus Christ, took on your sorrow, pain, and weakness. Most importantly, he took your sin and nailed it to his cross. Now, even your darkest struggle is part of his good plan to draw you closer to him. This trial can’t remove you from his love.

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