Dallas Waco

Overcoming Loneliness

Here are some tips on battling loneliness.

Pray! Quiet your heart, turn down any distractions and just sit in the moment. Then talk to God. Tell Him everything you're struggling with and ask Him for His peace.

Practice gratitude by writing down things, people, or moments you are grateful for.

Fill your house with sound, like the praise and worship you hear on KCBI

Learn to enjoy time with yourself by reading, working out, or just enjoy doing nothing.

Call a friend or family member, especially if you haven't spoken to them in a while. Remember, the phone works both ways.

When interacting with others, ask questions and really listen to what they say.

Get outside! We live in one of the best climates in America, enjoy God's creation.

Talk about your feelings. When you tell someone about your difficult emotions, it can help loosen the grip of loneliness.

Don't want to talk? Write it down, that can also promote well-being.

If you know of someone who is struggling with loneliness, please share this post.

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