Dallas Waco

Keeping An Eye Out For Kids Going Back To School!

It's a new school year, and even if you don't have school-aged children in your home, we all should be aware of kids going and coming home from school.

According to authorities, these tips can keep us all safe this school year:

1 Never pass a school bus when red lights are flashing.

Red flashing lights and an extended stop sign mean a school bus is stopped to let students on or off. Drivers behind or in front of a school bus must stop even if the road is divided (unless there is a physical barrier separating the lanes). Passing a school bus with red flashing lights in Texas is illegal. Violators can receive up to a $1,250 fine, driver’s license suspension, and jail time.

2 Slow down and stay alert.

Obey speed limit signs. Look for students walking in the street or riding bicycles, especially in neighborhoods without sidewalks. Students on bikes are often inexperienced. Give them plenty of room.

3 Reverse with care.

Back up slowly and look for pedestrians in driveways, sidewalks, and around vehicles. Use all mirrors and a backup camera if the vehicle has one.

4 Look for crosswalks and prepare to stop.

According to the American Automobile Association, more than one-third of drivers roll through stop signs in school zones or neighborhoods. Be alert at intersections and crosswalks. Students often dart into crosswalks, streets, and between vehicles, especially when trying to catch a bus. Always come to a complete stop.

5 Avoid distractions.

Using handheld devices while driving in Texas is illegal and can result in a $200 fine. Research shows that when drivers take their eyes off the road for only two seconds, it doubles their chances of crashing.

Listen to Driving Carefully Through School Zones

Originally posted at Texas Department of Insurance.

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