Dallas Waco

It Really Will Be Okay!

I was walking in my neighborhood the other day and I saw a mom and her very young child who was learning to ride a bike. As we all do, when we are learning to ride a bike, this little boy fell and it scared him. Naturally, his mom immediately scooped him up and comforted him by saying, "Oh, that hurt. That was scary. I know. I know. It's okay. It's okay, though. It's okay. See, we're okay."

It truly was the sweetest moment and it reminded me of a time yesterday when my son Ian hurt himself with one of his baby toys and before I knew it, my wife picked him up and held him close in her arms. She too sounded similar to this Mom comforting her son because she said, "Oh, I know. I know that hurt baby, but it'll be okay. Mommy's here. You're okay."

Isn't it funny how we still do that? In my inner circle, one of my people is dealing with some depression and as I hugged them, I said those same words: "I know this hurts so much, but it'll be okay. I'm here for you." I think we say what we want to hear because that tends to be the human response to pain. "I know, but it'll be okay."

I think right now what we want to hear in the midst of our circumstances, in the midst of uncertainty over the future, over ________, I think we just want to hear that it'll be okay.

You might want to respond at this point with:

"But Jay, you don't know the diagnosis. I know. But it'll be okay. Jay, I lost my job. I know. And it'll be okay. But Jay, _________. I know, but it'll be okay."

God said this to Malachi, the very last prophet in the Old Testament:

"But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,' says the Lord Almighty." - Malachi 4:2-3

It really will be okay! Not because I say so, but because God promises you in His Word.

This song from Tasha Layton has been a huge encouragement for me as we play it on KCBI and I hope it's an encouragement for you as well.

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