Dallas Waco

How Many Corny Dogs Were Eaten At The State Fair of Texas? A Lot!

The State Fair of Texas, which wrapped-up its three-week run in Dallas on Sunday, shared some BIG-Tex type numbers of the annual event, including this one: Over 24 days at the Fair, Fletcher's sold around 550,000 of its Original Corny Dogs. There was around 518,000 sold last year.

And of course, Y'all really like mustard on your corny dogs, going through 1,800 gallons of the yellow condiment on your corny dogs, compared to "just" 850 gallons of ketchup.

There was 2.4 Million visitors to fair Park, up from 2.1 million fairgoers last year, with the biggest day happening during the Red River Rivalry. That's when 211,000 folks packed the fair.

And the Fair shared these numbers:

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