Dallas Waco

His Soft Answer Turns Away Her Wrath.

I was helping my brother in-law move his wife's mother into a new apartment in her senior community.

Everything was going well. The residents didn't mind that we were holding up the elevator, and when they did we simply waited for the next one.

The hallways are kinda narrow, and many of the residents had knick-knacks outside their apartments decorated for fall and Halloween.

That's where it happened.

Mike bumped a figurine off it's table, breaking the hand. The resident opened her door immediately and asked, "What did you do?!"

Mike owned up to it, "Ma'am, I'm moving my mother in-law to the apartment right across from you and I accidently knocked it over. I think I can superglue it back on, would that be okay?"

She wasn't happy but said okay, if it was done right.

Just as Mike placed the figurine back on the table, it fell and completely shattered. The resident snatched her door open, "What are you doing? You destroyed it. I've had that for years and now it's gone!"

Mike responded in a soft tone, "I can't tell you how sorry I am. I don't want this to be an issue between us, please let me buy you a replacement. Would you like one exactly like it?"

You could see her frown disappear. She took a deep breath and replied, "I guess that would be okay. In fact, buy whatever you want. Surprise me."

A soft answer that turned away wrath.

Listen to His Soft Answer Turned Her Anger Around.

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