His Life Changed When He Started Trusting God!

If you're going through a scary health diagnosis, I know how you feel. I've been going through my own healing journey through cancer.

I'm currently cancer-free, and pray to stay that way. But as I've been sharing my cancer story on the radio, God has used it to encourage others like my friend Ron.

Ron is also battling cancer. At first he was overwhelmed. He said he knew all of the Bible verses to turn to, all of the songs, all of the prayers... yet he couldn't sleep at night and fear had the best of him.

But God...

Ron's social media posts changed a few weeks ago. It was obvious that he now knew that God was with him, and he's giving God the glory in this text:

Ron's good news!

Amen Brother! Amen! 

Listen to His Life Changed When He Started Trusting God!

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