You never know what your words of encouragement can do for someone.
A few month ago a man entered the store I was in and stood in line behind me panting heavily, sweating, and swearing. He said in essence that it was too hot, and that he was tired of walking to lose weight because it wasn't working.
I tried to encourage him by saying that every day you do something is better than doing nothing, but he wasn't hearing it. He dismissed me with a, "whatever!"
But then the cashier chimed in. She said, "Look! Walking does work. I used to weigh 250 lbs, and I'm down to just 150 now by eating right and walking. If I can do it so can you."
I didn't hear the rest of their conversation as I had checked out and grabbed my bags, but I gave him a thumbs up.
Fast forward to this week when in that same store a man tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I remembered him. I didn't, but the cashier did and yelled, "Look at you!" You look great!"
It was the man who didn't think he could lose his weight. He looked completely different. He thanked both of us and said, "Yes ma'am! I lost over 200 lbs!"
Way to go brother!
If you need some encouragement for physical fitness from the Word of God, in 1st Corinthians it reads, Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.