Dallas Waco

God Has Not Called You To Be Great

We all have probably either known somebody or have said this ourselves: "I want to do something great for God." This sounds good and for some people can be seen as theological, but in reality, it could not be further from the truth.

If you read the Bible from front to back, you'll never find a Bible verse that supports this notion that God wants you to be "great" or do "great things for Him." God simply calls us to follow Him and obey His word. Of course, the world around us defines greatness by a different standard whether it's how much money we make, how successful we are in our career, or even how high we've climbed up on the social media ladder.

In John 3:30, it says:

"He must become greater; I must become less.'

How are we supposed to become less if we're too focused on becoming "great" for God? It's a counterintuitive belief and we need to walk away from that pressure and remember that the story of the Bible isn't about us, it's about Him. Whether we really want something in this life or not, we can remember that His word also says in Psalm 16:6:

"The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance."

So if things aren't going our way or an opportunity isn't looking so promising, just know that God's plans for you are better than you can possibly imagine so rest in that truth today. God has not called you to be great, He has called you to be obedient. Instead, let us bask in His greatness and watch Him work in our lives in ways that only He can know.

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