Dallas Waco

For All The Mom's Out There

Mother's Day can bring a mix of emotions for many women. There are those anticipating the birth of their first child, step-moms wondering what their place is, those who have lost their mother and are faced with grieving on Mother's Day, there are moms who encounter feelings of hurt because their children have turned from God, and those overwhelmed with pain from the loss of a child.

No matter what you face this Mother's Day, It is our hope that your soul will be encouraged and that this will speak life into your calling as a mom.

To The Mom With Older or Younger Kids | Happy Mother's Day.

You do more than anyone can begin to realize and your influence literally has no earthly equal. Simply put, there's no one like you.

To The Single Mom | Happy Mother's Day.

You carry a load that is incredibly significant and heavy. When the hours seem too short and the frustrations seem too high, we pray that you find unexpected strength to carry on and grace to shoulder the burden.

To The Step-Mom | Happy Mother's Day.

We want you to know that we love and honor you for the way you have stepped up into this new role. What you do for the family and the way that you love your husband and his kids by no means goes unnoticed.

To The Mom-To Be | Happy Mother's Day.

This time next year you'll have a role in life that goes beyond anything you've ever experienced. Congratulations! Whenever the baby arrives, may they bring you great joy and happiness.

To The Mom Who Has Lost A Child | Happy Mother's Day.

Being a mother, however short or long, is something that change and sorrow can't cancel. Today, may your good memories outnumber those not so good, may your loved ones be close, and may God bring you peace.

To The One Who Desperately Wants To Be A Mom | Happy Mother's Day.

Our prayer is that one day soon your desire becomes a reality. The silent struggle, the ongoing 'why'? and the creeping doubt is beyond tough. In the days ahead, we pray that your strength would be renewed and your hope rekindled.

To The One Who Has Lost Their Mom | Happy Mother's Day

We are so deeply sorry for the loss and grief that you are feeling. We hope you are touched with love today, somehow, through the pain. We hope and pray that you feel that your sorrows are seen, and that your love and your losses are honored.

Happy Mother's Day, Moms.

There isn't enough to be said on how much you are cherished, loved, and appreciated. We love you Moms!

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