Dallas Waco

Finding Beauty In Our Brokenness

For many of us, we enjoy our selves some jewelry every now and then but have we stopped to think about the diamonds or gems that we wear? Recently, it was brought to our attention that there is a simply way for gemologists to distinguish a real diamond from a fake one and that is simply this:

Fake diamonds are perfect. Real diamonds have flaws.

Did you know that? Apparently in the mining process of gathering diamonds in the Earth, they go through a great deal of struggle and it ends up displaying that in the diamond itself. The fake diamond doesn't display any struggle because there was no struggle involved in gathering it.

Every one of us has some sort of brokenness in our past. Perhaps we have grieved from a broken heart, complicated situations, loss of health, or relationships. Whether it's from choices we have made or circumstances beyond our control, sometimes we find ourselves so profoundly broken that we don't know how things could ever be restored.

However, as Christians, we know that God loved us so much that He couldn't just let the pieces lie where they fell. He refused to give up on His creation. So God sent His Son, Jesus, to live and die as a human (Hebrews 2:14-18) so that we could see He was serious about wanting a relationship with us and that we could have a way to restore that relationship. You see, sin broke things so severely that it created a massive rift between God and us. The cracks were too deep to traverse on our own. But when Jesus died on the cross and rose again, He filled in those cracks and made it possible for each of us to have a personal relationship with the loving God who 'heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds' (Psalm 147:3).

While it's certain that our brokenness reveals our need for God, it is through our struggles, scars, and painful experiences that we experience Him on the deepest level. It is through our unique stories that we can connect with those who also are seeking to be made whole again.

We don't always understand our brokenness. We don't want to or can't see 'beauty' in it. But if we relinquish our hurts and brokenness to Him, we will experience the beauty. Finding beauty in brokenness comes from a complete trust in who God is and how He works in our lives. It is trusting in Him to repair and restore us.

We find beauty in brokenness when we choose to sit with Him and pour out all our pain and struggles, knowing He is listening to each word.

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