Dallas Waco

Busy? Let me add 2 more things to your list. (You'll be glad)

You've probably got a lot of stuff on your To Do List today! I sure do.

Yeah -- we all do. That's why ' over your objections ' I want to add TWO more things to it.

I know, I know ' but I think you can deal with these.

FIRST: Rest in the Father's Hands.

Just rest. How? Because He's got control in ways we don't...and in ways we can't.

SECOND: LEAVE THE REST in the Father's Hands.

There are, frankly, just some things above our 'pay grade'. Geopolitical issues. World financial markets. The list goes on.

You can feel free to give all that stuff over to your loving Father and find your REST in Him.

(You really can, you know.)

Listen to Busy? Let me add 2 more things to your list. (You'll be glad)

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