Dallas Waco

A Lamp To My Feet

Psalm 119:105 says:

'Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.'

The phrase 'God's word is a lamp unto my feet' is a metaphorical statement meant to emphasize the wisdom that comes from following God's instruction.

This verse furthers the idea that reliance on God's Word is the only way to successfully live as a Christian. Lamps are used in society to create light for movement and activity. The Hebrew word for lamp is 'niyr'. This description of a lamp is more equivalent to the subtle light of a candle. The implication then is that there is limited visibility of the surrounding area, but just enough light to navigate.

When God wants us to move in our walk with Him, He often doesn't show us the whole picture. He wants us to follow the Holy Spirit and let Him lead us step by step without us necessarily knowing of or worrying about the bigger picture because that could lead us to try to control the outcome.

If we study God's Word frequently and diligently, if we give it our full attention, it will provide us with the direction, correction, and wisdom we need to succeed in what God has called us to do.

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