Dallas Waco

United we Kneel in Prayer

Pray for God to bring hope and healing to our nation and world in need.

Our nation, our world, faces constant adversity. Our country is in need of believers' prayers, people who know God is able to do great things. War, political strife, racial tensions, economic uncertainty, and blatant immorality are plaguing the world like never before. But God is able to revive our hearts and heal our land as we turn to Him in humility and prayer.

Only through prayer can we counter these issues in our cultures and unite peacefully and faithfully.

United We Kneel In Prayer reminds us that God is in control and that He is all-powerful. It serves as a spiritual guide on how to set a God-like example for those around us through unwavering prayer.

Reflect, pray, and grow through United We Kneel In Prayer. You'll engage with timely scripture, crucial prayers, and spiritual perspectives on many of the issues we're facing near and far from home.

We can come together as a congregation, a community, a nation, and change for the better by bringing these troubles to God. Join us in prayer and get your free copy of United We Kneel In Prayer right now.