Dallas Waco
Encourage Your Neighbor With Small Acts Of Kindness

The Faith Hope Love Experiment

The smallest, simplest, act of kindness can speak volumes, change someone's day, or even change a life. The KCBI Faith Hope Love Experiment is a kindness movement, and you get to play a part!

It's easy. Order your FREE KCBI Faith Hope Love cards' just tell us where to mail them below!

Then, as you buy someone's coffee' pay for a meal' help a neighbor with a chore' or just pass along a note of encouragement to a friend, include the card! It will tell them why you care, why you have hope, and invite them to call KCBI to share about the kindness they experienced because of you. You'll receive joy in offering kindness, your kindness will impact their day, and who knows' maybe they'll continue the movement.

Faith Hope Love card

Where Should We Send Your Cards?