Your Growth May Be Different

Have you ever marveled at someone's early achievements and then, almost instinctively, began reflecting upon your own life's timeline? I've been there too.

In our garden, my husband and I plant a variety of seeds, each blooming at its own pace. From the short-lived joy of tomatoes to the patiently awaited blossoming of peonies, God's handiwork teaches us that there is a season for everything.

Galatians 6:9 reminds us, "Let us not grow weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." Just like every seed has its time to shine, each one of us has our unique journey. And sometimes, the most profound wisdom sprouts from the simplest of places – like our backyard garden.

In this episode of "Gifts in the Garden," delve deeper into understanding God's timing and the beauty of flourishing under His watchful eyes. 

Listen to Your Growth May Be Different

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