It's (probably) not about you.

I've heard people say that everybody is facing a battle that we don't know anything about.

If that is true, then it calls for kindness.

Everyone is facing a battle that the rest of us just knows nothing about.

I also think It's important to keep this in mind daily because, sometimes, when people react to something we have done or said, it isn't about you (or me).

I have to remember that a lot actually. I have this reactivity that comes home to roost quite a bit. More often than not, I've 'received' a negative signal someone else wasn't really sending. Or I received it much louder than they intended.

Sometimes, we just take things a little too personal sometimes, don't we? (At least I do)

But: so many times, the words people use and the things they do are just them going through their own struggle.

And it's got nothing to do with us.

''A soft answer turns away wrath,

but a harsh word stirs up anger. 'Proverbs 15:1

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