Dallas Waco

In This Year’s Nativity, We Are All Called To Be Shepherds

When angels announced Jesus' birth, it wasn't to the high and mighty but to shepherds - simple folk who couldn't keep the news to themselves. They saw Jesus and immediately shared the wonder of His birth, amazing everyone who heard their story.

Luke 2:17-18 captures this beautifully: "When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them."

It reminds us that encountering Jesus can transform lives in extraordinary ways. If you've experienced this change, you know the impact it can have. Like those first heralds of the gospel, we're all called to share the transformative power of Jesus' love.

Listen to In This Year’s Nativity, We Are All Called To Be Shepherds

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