Dallas Waco

His Unseen Protection

I wonder if when we get to heaven, we will be able to look back over the 'movie' of our lives and see things from a different perspective. I think we will probably be in shock over how many times we were oblivious to God's constant protection.

We have glimpses of it in this life, of course. Maybe we have a near-death experience and realize how God intervened at just the right moment. Or maybe we look back after many years and realize that God's denial of the things we thought we wanted was actually a blessing of protection.

But I think there are countless instances, both physically and spiritually, where we are simply unaware of how close danger has come. Like a toddler who goes about his life clueless of the effort his parents are taking to keep him from harm, we also take for granted the loving provision and protection of our heavenly Father.

Today, I pray that God would open our eyes a little more to the fact that He places His angels around us, He guides us on the right paths, and He orchestrates times and circumstances for our safety'because He loves us.

Let's give God thanks today for His protection.

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