Dallas Waco

God Still Answers Prayers

God still answers prayers in amazing ways.

Nick's wife was pregnant with their first child and they found out a few months ago that the baby has severe hydrocephalus, which is also known as water on the brain. It was off the charts bad to the point where the doctors were talking to them about what it was gonna be like when they would have to take them off life support. They gave them absolutely no hope.

However, on July 8, the baby was born. They named him Charlie and He was in NICU for an entire month. But get this, he just went home this past weekend, perfectly healthy and whole! The doctors and the nurses have absolutely no medical explanation as to why their baby is fine as they are completely flabbergasted. But Nick knew exactly what happened. He said:

"I know from the bottom of my heart I know that God was involved. I give all the credit and the glory to Him because God is real, and he still performs miracles."

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