Dallas Waco

Giving Thanks in a Thankless World eBook

Explore these 30 reasons to give thanks and keep your eyes on the Lord.

In our world today, it can be very easy to become unthankful when the needs are great, comparison with others runs high, and instant gratification has become the norm. We see the possessions of others, our 'wish list' continues to grow, and the next sale at our favorite store lures us in.

It's simple to get swept away in our 'get-this-now' culture.

But what if we hit the pause button for just a little while and focused all that energy on thankfulness?

Where would you start?
No matter our circumstances, we have reason to give thanks'because of who God is!
Whether you are on one of life's mountaintops or in the valley of shadows, our unchanging God remains the source of abundant life and blessing. As the Psalmist declares, 'Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good'!
Let's spend the next 30 days focusing on God's amazing attributes and give thanks for who He is. KCBI has developed an ebook to focus our devotion on God's character and to help us express thanksgiving for all of His amazing qualities. Discover more about the God who is:

Let us know where to email "Giving Thanks In A Thankless World: 30 Devotions to Keep Your Eyes On The Lord" and let's spend time keeping our eyes on the One who gives all things.

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