Dallas Waco

Widows One Day Conference



The Foundry Church in Garland, is hosting a Widows One Day Conference. It will be from 10 AM till 4 PM. There will be breakout sessions, panel, discussion, speakers, small group connection times, and laughter. Lunch is included, and there will be lots of door prizes along with gifts for everyone. It is a time to give Widows an opportunity to connect with each other and make new friends. They will be encouraged in the Lord, reminding them that the Lord still has a purpose for their lives. The theme of the conference is "Behind the Scenes". The ministry of Widows Link is bringing in their leaders from around the nation to help with the teachings. Volunteers from churches around the area will be helping to serve at the conference. Widows can register for the cruise by going to our website at WidowsLink.org.
The cost is $40 per person. For groups of five or more, the cost is only $30 each.