Dallas Waco

Foster Care & Adoption Online Info Session



There is a huge need for families to foster siblings and school-aged kids in our community. We're on a mission to find a family for every child who needs one, and we want you to join us so you can help ensure kids are safe and feel loved. This Online Info Session is the place to start if you:

' feel ready to take a 'next step'
' can envision fostering or adopting in the future
' want to learn more so you can advocate for children and families in your community

You'll join this 1-hour Zoom meeting with your camera off and microphone muted so you can participate from anywhere, but you're welcome to turn them on, and we welcome your questions through chat or audio.

You can become the family kids in foster care need!

Questions? Contact Travis Cutbirth at 940-557-5511 or [email protected].

Visit Us Online: https://pchas.org/FosterAdopt
Read Articles About Foster Care & Adoption: https://pchas.org/FosterAdoptStories
Follow Us On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PCHASFosterAdopt/