Dallas Waco

Foster Care & Adoption Online Info Session



There's a huge need for foster families in Texas -- especially for school-aged kids and siblings.

We're grateful you want to know more and believe you deserve easy access to clear information. The Online Info Session offers an overview of foster care and adoption in Texas, explains why kids in our community need families like you, and shares practical steps to get started'all in just one hour. You can join from practically anywhere, you can mute your microphone, and your camera can be off.

Join this free one-hour session to learn how Foster Care & Adoption work in Texas. Register today at: https://pchas-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUlc-2orjgiHNY1Sn1g6suDwZD3QOqQbFet#/registration

Want to talk now? Questions about registration? Contact us at 940-557-5511 or [email protected].

Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services (PCHAS) serves families in and near Dallas, Fort Worth, Itasca, Wichita Falls and Houston.